
The Flatrock Museum is located in the Town Hall building in Flatrock and was officially opened in August 1988. The museum houses artifacts and photographs of life in Flatrock in the days of our forefathers. There are artifacts of the fishing and farming industry, kitchen artifacts, artifacts from the old St. Michael’s Church as well as photos of the visit of Pope John Paul to Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto in 1984. Information is available relating to census statistics in Flatrock, as well as photos on current events celebrating Flatrock Days which are held annually. The Flatrock Museum is maintained by volunteers operating under the Flatrock Heritage Committee.

Most artifacts are on loan from residents of Flatrock.

The Museum also displays the Flatrock Flag and the Crest of the Town of Flatrock. For further information please call (709) 437-6312; Fax (709) 437-6311.